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Hopscotch Band, free Rulla bead pattern

Use Czech Rulla beads and size 8/0 seed beads to make this simple band that you can stack or triple the length for a cool wrap band!

(for a 7-inch band, not including clasp)

• About 4 yards of 6 lb. FireLine
• About 115 size 8/0 seed beads (You can use any brand but Toho work best because they are fatter)
• About 36 Color1 3x5mm two-hole Czech Rulla beads
• About 34 Color2 3x5mm two-hole Czech Rulla beads
• clasp

Step 1: Thread your needle with a length of FireLine that you feel comfortable working with and add more as you need it.

Leaving about a 12-inch tail for attaching the clasp, string two Color1 Rulla beads. Tie them together so that they sit side-by side:

Step 2: Go back up through the left hole of the Color1 Rulla bead on the right (highlighted in RED):

Step 3: String two Color2 Rulla beads:

Step 4: Go around and down through the left hole of the two Color2 Rulla beads that you just strung (highlighted in RED). Continue down through the right hole of the Color1 Rulla bead below (highlighted in RED):

Step 5: String two seed beads. Go around and up through the left hole of the Color1 Rulla bead on the right (highlighted in RED).

Continue up through the right hole of the Color2 Rulla beads above (highlighted in RED):

Step 6: String a Color1 Rulla bead and two Color2 Rulla beads:

Step 7: Go around and down through the left hole of the two Color2 Rulla beads that you just added (highlighted in RED):

Step 8: String a Color1 Rulla bead. Go down through the left hole of the two Color2 Rulla beads and the right hole of the Color1 Rulla bead below (all highlighted in RED):

Step 9: Go around and up through the left hole of the Color1 Rulla bead that you just exited (highlighted in RED):

Step 10: String three seed beads. Go up through the left hole of the Color1 Rulla bead above (highlighted in RED):

Step 11: Go around and down through the right hole of the Color1 Rulla bead that you just exited, down through the left hole of the two Color2 Rulla beads, the right hole of the Color1 Rulla bead and the two seed beads below (all highlighted in RED):

Step 12: Go up through the left hole of the Color1 Rulla bead, the right hole of the two Color2 Rulla beads and the left hole of the Color1 Rulla bead above (all highlighted in RED):

Step 13: Go around and down through the right hole of the Color1 Rulla bead that you just exited (highlighted in RED):

Step 14: String three seed beads. Go down through the right hole of the Color1 Rulla bead below (highlighted in RED):

Step 15: Go around and up through the left hole of the Color1 Rulla bead that you just exited, the right hole of the two Color2 Rulla beads, the left hole of the Color1 Rulla bead and the right hole of the two Color2 Rulla beads above (all highlighted in RED):

You have just finished the setup for the band. You will repeat Steps 16 to 24 to complete the rest of the band.

Step 16: String a Color1 Rulla bead and two Color2 Rulla beads:

Step 17: Go around and down through the left hole of the two Color2 Rulla beads that you just added (highlighted in RED):

Step 18: String a Color1 Rulla bead. Go down through the left hole of the two Color2 Rulla beads below (highlighted in RED). Continue down through the right hole of the Color1 Rulla bead below, around and then up through the left hole of this same Color1 Rulla bead (highlighted in RED):

Step 19: String three seed beads. Go up through the left hole of the Color1 Rulla bead above (highlighted in RED):

Step 20: Go around and down through the right hole of the Color1 Rulla bead that you just exited, down through the left hole of the two Color2 Rulla beads and the right hole of the Color1 Rulla bead below (highlighted in RED).

Continue around and up through the left hole of the adjacent Color1 Rulla bead, up through the right hole of the two Color2 Rulla beads and the left hole of the Color1 Rulla bead above (highlighted in RED):

Step 21: Go around and down through the right hole of the Color1 Rulla bead that you just exited (highlighted in RED):

Step 22: String three seed beads. Go down through the right hole of the Color1 Rulla bead below (highlighted in RED):

Step 23: Go around and up through the left hole of the Color1 Rulla bead that you just exited, the right hole of the two Color2 Rulla beads, the left hole of the Color1 Rulla bead and the right hole of the two Color2 Rulla beads above (all highlighted in RED):

Step 24: Repeat Step 16 to Step 23 until your band is the length you want it, minus about a half-inch and the length of your clasp:

NOTE: After several repeats of Steps 16-23 you may be wondering, why the intricate weave? Why not just string the Rulla beads in a long stack, go all the way up and down to form your band and add the seed beads at the end? You can certainly do this but I find weaving gives the band more strength and keeps it from getting what I call “bungy”—where one side of the band gets a bit lopsided and twisty.

Step 25: To finish off the end of the band and attach one end of your clasp, string two Color1 Rulla beads and position them side-by-side. Go down through the left hole of the two Color2 Rulla beads below (highlighted in RED). The Color1 Rulla beads will flop around but that’s okay. You will secure them in later steps:

Step 26: Go down through the right hole of the Color1 Rulla bead below, around and up through the left hole of the adjacent Color1 Rulla bead (highlighted in RED).

Continue up through the right hole of the two Color2 Rulla beads and the left hole of the Color1 Rulla bead above (highlighted in RED):

Step 27: String two seed beads.

Go around and down through the right hole of the top-left Color1 Rulla bead, down through the left hole of the two Color2 Rulla beads and the right hole of the Color1 Rulla bead below (highlighted in RED).

Continue around and up through the left hole of the adjacent Color1 Rulla bead, up through the right hole of the two Color2 Rulla beads and the left hole of the Color1 Rulla bead above (highlighted in RED):

Step 28: Go up through the 8/0 seed bead above (highlighted in RED):

Step 29: To attach one end of the clasp, string a seed bead (or several seed beads to make your band longer).

Go through the clasp and then back down through the seed bead that you just strung. Go across through the top-left seed bead (highlighted in RED):

Step 30: String a seed bead and go down through the left hole of the Color1 Rulla bead below (highlighted in RED):

Step 31: String three seed beads. Go down through the left hole of the Color1 Rulla bead below (highlighted in RED):

Step 32: Go around and up through the right hole of the Color1 Rulla bead that you just exited, up through the left hole of the two Color2 Rulla beads and the right hole of the Color1 Rulla bead above (highlighted in RED).

Go back around through the seed beads highlighted in RED and the clasp, exiting from the right-most seed bead:

Step 33: String a seed bead and go down through the right hole of the Color1 Rulla bead below (highlighted in RED):

Step 34: String three seed beads. Go down through the right hole of the Color1 Rulla bead below (highlighted in RED):

Step 35: Go around and up through the left hole of the Color1 Rulla bead that you just exited, up through the right hole of the two Color2 Rulla beads and the left hole of the Color1 Rulla bead above (highlighted in RED).

Go back around through the seed beads highlighted in RED and the clasp:

Use your extra thread to go back along the left and right outer edge of the band to add some extra strength.

Weave back into the band, knot in several places and then cut your thread.

Step 36: To attach the clasp to the other end of your band, thread your needle with the tail thread from Step 1. Go down through the right hole of the Color1 Rulla bead, around and up through the left hole of the adjacent Color1 Rulla bead and the seed bead above (highlighted in RED):

Step 37: String a seed bead (or several seed beads to make your band longer).
Go through the clasp and then back down through the seed bead that you just strung. Go across through the top-left seed bead (highlighted in RED):

Step 38: String a seed bead and go down through the left hole of the Color1 Rulla bead below (highlighted in RED).

Continue down through the three seed beads and the left hole of the Color1 Rulla bead below (highlighted in RED):

Step 39: Go around and up through the right hole of the Color1 Rulla bead that you just exited, up through the left hole of the two Color2 Rulla beads and the right hole of the Color1 Rulla bead above (highlighted in RED).

Go back around through the seed beads highlighted in RED and the clasp, exiting from the right-most seed bead:

Step 40: String a seed bead and go down through the right hole of the Color1 Rulla bead below (highlighted in RED).

Continue down through the three seed beads and the right hole of the Color1 Rulla bead below (highlighted in RED):

Step 41: Go around and up through the left hole of the Color1 Rulla bead that you just exited, up through the right hole of the two Color2 Rulla beads and the left hole of the Color1 Rulla bead above (highlighted in RED).

Go back around through the seed beads highlighted in RED and the clasp:

Weave back into the band, knot in several places and then cut your thread.


Beads used in the photo above

Hopscotch Band, free Rulla bead pattern

Picasso version:
• About 115 size 8/0 seed bead: Miyuki #461 Metallic Chocolate
• About 36 Color1 Czech Rulla beads: CZR-T6313 - Opaque Turquoise - Picasso
• About 34 Color2 Czech Rulla beads: CZR-T0300 - Opaque White - Picasso

Hopscotch Band, free Rulla bead pattern

Turquoise/Pink version:
• About 115 size 8/0 seed bead: Miyuki #461 Metallic Chocolate
• About 36 Color1 Czech Rulla beads: CZR-TE6313 - Turquoise - Blue Picasso
• About 34 Color2 Czech Rulla beads: CZR-P14495 - Opaque - Luster Pink

Hopscotch Band, free Rulla bead pattern

Aquamarine Celsian/Bronze version:
• About 115 size 8/0 seed bead: Toho #1703 Gilded Marble Turquoise
• About 36 Color1 Czech Rulla beads: CZR-BT6303 - Blue Turquoise - Bronze Picasso
• About 34 Color2 Czech Rulla beads: CZR-Z6002 - Aquamarine - Celsian

For more color and bead combinations, click on the photo below to visit the RedPandaBeads.com Gallery of Color Suggestions!

Hopscotch Band, free Rulla bead pattern