(©2021 Deborah Roberti)
As the name suggests, Tila Stackers are created using “stacks” of Miyuki Tila beads of any size and color combination. For my step-by-step text instructions and illustrations, I used Tila bead stacks of Quarter and Half Tila beads (top stacker) but as you can see, the other stackers use different stacker variations and the Tila beads used are listed in the Materials List. You will have fun coming up with stacks of your own. The Tila size and color combinations are infinite.
Links to beads used in my photos at the end of the page.
(for a 7-inch bracelet,
not including clasp)
Top Stacker:
• About 2 yards of 6 lb. FireLine
• About 125 Color1 size 11/0 seed beads
• About 60 Color2 size 11/0 seed beads
• About 26 Miyuki Quarter (5x1.5mm) Tila beads
• About 13 Miyuki Half (5x2.3mm) Tila beads
• clasp
Second Stacker:
• About 2 yards of 6 lb. FireLine
• About 100 Color1 size 11/0 seed beads
• About 45 Color2 size 11/0 seed beads
• About 18 Miyuki Quarter (5x1.5mm) Tila beads
• About 27 Miyuki Half (5x2.3mm) Tila beads of two different colors
• clasp
Third Stacker:
• About 2 yards of 6 lb. FireLine
• About 75 Color1 size 11/0 seed beads
• About 40 Color2 size 11/0 seed beads
• About 16 Miyuki Quarter (5x1.5mm) Tila beads
• About 16 Miyuki Half (5x2.3mm) Tila beads
• About 8 Miyuki Full (5x5mm)
Tila beads
• clasp
Bottom Stacker:
• About 2 yards of 6 lb. FireLine
• About 75 Color1 size 11/0 seed beads
• About 40 Color2 size 11/0 seed beads
• About 32 Miyuki Quarter (5x1.5mm) Tila beads of two different colors
• About 8 Miyuki Full (5x5mm) Tila beads
• clasp
Step 1: Thread your needle with a length of FireLine that you feel comfortable working with and add more as you need it.
Leaving about an 8-inch tail for attaching the clasp, string a Color1 seed bead, a Color2 seed bead and a Color1 seed bead.
Holding onto the tail thread, go up through the right hole of a Quarter Tila bead, Half Tila bead and Quarter Tila bead stack of Tila beads.
String a Color1 seed bead, a Color2 seed bead and a Color1 seed bead.
Go around and down through the left holes of this same Tila bead stack.
Grab your tail thread and tie
a tight double knot:
Step 2: Go back around through the Color1 seed bead, the Color2 seed bead and the Color1 seed bead highlighted in RED.
Continue up through the right hole of the Quarter Tila bead, the Half Tila bead and the Quarter Tila bead stack highlighted in RED.
Go back through the Color1 seed bead and the Color2 seed bead highlighted in RED:
Step 3: String two Color1 seed beads, a Color2 seed bead and two more Color1 seed beads.
Go around and back across through the Color2 seed bead that you just exited (highlighted in RED):
Step 4: Go back around through the seed beads that you just added (highlighted in RED):
Step 5: Go back around through the seed beads highlighted in RED:
Step 6: String a Color2 seed bead. Go back around through the Color1 seed bead, the Color2 seed bead and the Color1 seed bead highlighted in RED:
The Color2 seed bead that you just added should sit beside and a little between the two adjacent Color1 seed beads so that the trio of seed beads form a bit of a point as you pull tight.
Step 7: String a Color2 seed bead. Go back around through the Color1 seed bead and the Color2 seed bead highlighted in RED:
Again, the Color2 seed bead that you just added should sit beside and a little between the two adjacent seed beads so that the trio of seed beads form a bit of a point as you pull tight.
Step 8: String a Color1 seed bead.
Add another Tila bead stack by going up the right hole of a new Quarter Tila bead, Half Tila bead and Quarter Tila bead stack.
String a Color1 seed bead, a Color2 seed bead and a Color1
seed bead.
Go around and down through the left hole of the Quarter Tila bead, the Half Tila bead and the Quarter Tila bead stack that you just added.
String a Color1 seed and go back across through the Color 2 seed bead that you exited at the end of the last step (highlighted
in RED):
Step 9: Go back around through the beads that you added in the last step (highlighted in RED):
Step 10: Go back up through the beads highlighted in RED:
Step 11: Repeat Step 3
to Step 10 until your bracelet is the length you want it, minus about a quarter-inch and the length of your clasp:
Step 12: To attach one end of the clasp, string two Color 1 seed beads and a Color 2 seed bead.
Go through your clasp and then back through the Color2 seed bead that you just strung:
NOTE: To make your bracelet longer, just add more seed beads than directed in this step and the next.
Step 13: String two more Color1 seed beads and go across through the Color 2 seed bead that you exited earlier (highlighted in RED):
Step 14: Go back around through the seed beads highlighted in RED and the clasp several times:
Weave back into the bracelet, knot in several places and then cut your thread.
Step 15: To attach the clasp to the other end of your bracelet, thread your needle with the tail thread from Step 1.
Go around through the two seed beads highlighted in RED:
Repeat Steps 12-14.
Beads used in the photo above
Tila Stacker 1:
• About 125 Color1 size 11/0 seed beads: Miyuki #4204 Duracoat Galvanized Champagne
• About 60 Color2 size 11/0 seed beads: Miyuki #4461 Duracoat Opaque Dyed Rocailles - Light Salmon Pink
• About 26 Miyuki Quarter (5x1.5mm) Tila beads: Miyuki #596 OPL Peach Miyuki Quarter Tila
• About 13 Miyuki Half (5x2.3mm) Tila beads: Miyuki #412FR OPR MA Aqua Miyuki Half Tila
Tila Stacker 2:
• About 100 Color1 size 11/0 seed beads: Miyuki #4204 Duracoat Galvanized Champagne
• About 45 Color2 size 11/0 seed beads: Miyuki #4480 Duracoat Opaque Dyed Rocailles - Deep Icy Blue
• About 18 Miyuki Quarter (5x1.5mm) Tila beads: Miyuki #593 Light Caramel Miyuki Quarter Tila
• About 27 Miyuki Half (5x2.3mm) Tila beads of two different colors: 9 Miyuki #412FR OPR MA Aqua Miyuki Half Tila and 18 Miyuki #596 OPL Peach Miyuki Half Tila
Tila Stacker 3:
• About 75 Color1 size 11/0 seed beads: Miyuki #4204 Duracoat Galvanized Champagne
• About 40 Color2 size 11/0 seed beads: Miyuki #4461 Duracoat Opaque Dyed Rocailles - Light Salmon Pink
• About 16 Miyuki Quarter (5x1.5mm) Tila beads: Miyuki #593 Light Caramel Miyuki Quarter Tila
• About 16 Miyuki Half (5x2.3mm) Tila beads: Miyuki #412FR OPR MA Aqua Miyuki Half Tila
• About 8 Miyuki Full (5x5mm)
Tila beads: Miyuki #596 OP Salmon Miyuki Tila Beads
Tila Stacker 4:
• About 75 Color1 size 11/0 seed beads: Miyuki #4204 Duracoat Galvanized Champagne
• About 40 Color2 size 11/0 seed beads: Miyuki #4480 Duracoat Opaque Dyed Rocailles - Deep Icy Blue
• About 32 Miyuki Quarter (5x1.5mm) Tila beads of two different colors: 16 Miyuki #593 Light Caramel Miyuki Quarter Tila and 16 Miyuki #596 OPL Peach Miyuki Quarter Tila
• About 8 Miyuki Full (5x5mm) Tila beads: Miyuki #412FR 412FR OPR MA Turquoise Miyuki Tila Beads
For more color and bead combinations, click on the photo below to visit the RedPandaBeads.com Gallery of Color Suggestions!