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SECRET SANTA BRACELET (©2009 Deborah Roberti)
MATERIALS (for a 7-inch bracelet, not including clasp)
Beads used in my photos NOTE: Bead colors and coatings (and even bead types!) seem to be disappearing at a rate that I can no longer keep up with. I try to find substitutes when I can but "discontinued" seems to be the norm these days. • Approximately 275 size 11/0 seed beads: Miyuki #457L Light Bronze Step 1: Thread your needle with about 4 yards of Fireline (or start with a length that you feel comfortable with and add more later). String a bicone crystal, a seed bead, a bicone crystal, a seed bead, a bicone crystal and a seed bead. Leaving a 10- to 12-inch tail for attaching one end of the clasp, tie the beads in a triangle with a double knot: Step 2: Go back around through the bicone crystal, the seed bead, the bicone crystal and the seed bead that you added in the last step (highlighted in RED): Step 3: String a bicone crystal, a seed bead, a bicone crystal, a seed bead and a bicone crystal. Go around and back through the seed bead that you exited at the end of the last step (highlighted in RED): Step 4: Go back around through the bicone crystal, the seed bead, the bicone crystal and the seed bead that you added in the last step (highlighted in RED): Step 5: String a fire-polished bead, three seed beads and a fire-polished bead. Go around and across through the seed bead, the bicone crystal and the seed bead highlighted in RED: Step 6: String a fire-polished bead, three seed beads and a fire-polished bead. Go around and across through the seed bead, the bicone crystal and the seed bead highlighted in RED: Step 7: Go back down through the fire-polished bead and the seed bead highlighted in RED: Step 8: String three seed beads. Go around and back across through the seed bead, the fire-polished bead, the seed bead, the bicone crystal, the seed bead, the fire-polished bead and the seed bead highlighted in RED: Step 9: String three seed beads. Go around and back across through the seed bead, the fire-polished bead, the seed bead and the bicone crystal highlighted in RED: Step 10: String a seed bead, a bicone crystal, a seed bead, a bicone crystal and a seed bead. Step 11: Go back around through the seed bead, the bicone crystal and the seed bead that you added in the last step (highlighted in RED): Step 12: String a bicone crystal, a seed bead, a bicone crystal, a seed bead and a bicone crystal. Go around and back across through the seed bead that you exited at the end of the last step (highlighted in RED): Step 13: Go back around through the bicone crystal, the seed bead, the bicone crystal and the seed bead that you added in the last step (highlighted in RED): Step 14: String a fire-polished bead, three seed beads and a fire-polished bead. Go around and across through the seed bead, the bicone crystal and the seed bead highlighted in RED: Step 15: String a fire-polished bead, three seed beads and a fire-polished bead. Go around and across through the seed bead, the bicone crystal, the seed bead, the fire-polished bead and the seed bead highlighted in RED: Step 16: String three seed beads. Go around and back across through the seed bead, the fire-polished bead, the seed bead, the bicone crystal, the seed bead, the fire-polished bead and the seed bead highlighted in RED: Step 17: String three seed beads. Go around and back across through the seed bead, the fire-polished bead, the seed bead and the bicone crystal highlighted in RED: Step 18: Repeat Steps 10 to 17 until your bracelet is the length you want it, minus about a half inch and the length of your clasp: Step 19: To attach one end of the clasp, string a seed bead, a bicone crystal and three seed beads. Go through the clasp and then back through the last seed bead that you just strung: Step 20: String two seed beads, a bicone crystal and a seed bead. Go back across through the bicone crystal highlighted in RED: Step 21: Go back around through the seed beads, bicone crystals (all beads highlighted in RED) and the clasp several times to reinforce your attachment to the clasp: Weave your way back into the bracelet, knot in several places and then cut your thread. Step 22: To finish the other side of your bracelet, thread your needle with the long tail from Step 1. Go across through the bicone crystal highlighted in RED: Repeat Steps 19 to 21 to attach the opposite end of your clasp. |